Frequently Asked Questions

Our Captain isn't playing this season. Do we still count as a returning team?

    Yes as long as a good portion of your team is still playing you are a returning team. Your new Captain should get the password to the roster system from us or the former captain and edit the roster from last season. The old captain can be edited and changed to the new person. The new captain can then make any updates to the team roster.

Our returning team wants to move to a different night or different league. Are we allowed to do that?

    The league was filled up last season. We always have a little bit of space since some teams don't come back. Returning teams can register for a different division/ location than they were in last season but the change will be based on the availability of space. Please make your deposit ASAP since changes will be first come first serve if space is available. You will not lose your spot in your former division/night by registering for a different division as long as you register by the deadline.

What is the job of a Captain and Assistant Captain?

    The Captain and Assistant Captain are responsible for the team off and on the field. You are the main contact for the team with KLOB and are expected to communicate any necessary info to your team. You are responsible for getting the roster waiver signed, collectiing money from the team, attending the Captains meeting and distributing the team shirts that we give you and making sure you have enough players attending your games each week. The Captain and Asistant are the only people that can have discussions with the umpire at the games. You are also expected to control your team if anyone gets out of hand and to make sure that your team follows any parks and recreation rules (drinking for example). You also need to keep your team in line if necessary.

We play other sports that overlap with the start of kickball season. Can our kickball games be scheduled around our other sport schedule for a few weeks.

    Please email us. In many cases we do have the flexibility to schedule your team so you can finish out the games in your other league without overlap..

Can we request certain bye weeks, specific fields for our games and specific gametimes each week?

    You can enter special requests into the roster system. We'll do the best we can to fill them. If we have too many of the same requests we may not be able to fill them all. Returning teams are permitted to play at their same field if they make that request and pay before the deadline. We do get a lot of requests for late games. It can become very difficult to fill all of these requests. We can't give everyone a late game. In making your request please try to be as flexible as possible and it will help us to fill them. If your team has a special bye request for a religous holiday or for an event such as a wedding/spring break where you are 100% sure the team can't play please tell us that when you put your request in the special request field. They will be given preference if there are conflicts with other requests.

When do we find out if our team gets in?

    Returning teams have until the February 18th to make their deposits. If you register early we will confirm your position a few days after you make the deposit payment otherwise wewill know a few days after the deadline. If there are any issues we will contact the captain and assistant through email. If we can't fit you into your first choice we can discuss other options or refund your deposit. Please make sure you enter your roster since we may not have time for you to enter it at the later date. We always have space for new teams in every division!

Our team played last fall but we took the spring off. Are we a returning team?

    You will be in front of the totally new teams but since we were all filled last season we can only fit your team if some teams don't return from last season. Usually this happens but make sure you get your deposit in quickly. Please email us and we can restore your roster in the system so you don't have to type it all over.

I see a social division. Why would I wan't to play in that division?

    If you're playing just for fun and don't care about winning and losing as much or you are just so bad you always lost then this may be the division for you! You will be playing against teams that aren't as competitive and will have more fun and most likely not get 10 run ruled. We will have a few teams that get into the playoffs but it won't be as many as the regular JV division..

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